Innovation is the key to success
The potential for innovation consists of several factors. These include an attitude to innovation and the scale of operations, as well as the organization itself.… Ler mais »Innovation is the key to success
The potential for innovation consists of several factors. These include an attitude to innovation and the scale of operations, as well as the organization itself.… Ler mais »Innovation is the key to success
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According to Boston Consulting Group’s yearly list of most innovative companies in the world – the BCG Report for 2021 that has recently been published[1],… Ler mais »Why are European companies less innovative than the American or Asian ones?
The entire workplace since March 2020 is being shaped by the COVID pandemic. Companies are adapting their operations to this new era. Work processes are… Ler mais »Post-Covid Communication and workplace Innovation
Innovation is a major issue for SMEs’ progress in dynamic competitive environments. Innovation capacity allows the firm to develop and coordinate the innovation process and… Ler mais »The innovation management and the success of a company
Every organization, company, SME should have something to stand out from the competition. The best solution to stand out is to innovate. The ever-increasing competition… Ler mais »Introducing innovation – Is it important?
Airbnb is a startup based “on trust”, according to the brand’s own words. In the marketplace in which this company operates, people publish, discover and… Ler mais »AIRBNB: A CLEAR EXAMPLE OF INNOVATION AND SUCCESS “Air Bed and Breakfast”
In modern organisations innovation is no longer limited to R&D department. Nowadays all functions are expected to contribute to innovation. That strongly increases the… Ler mais »‘Think out of the box’ – but what does it mean?
Our project, “WINN – Workouts for innovation leaders”, is about innovation, with a focus on how we can turn it into a habit, by helping… Ler mais »Sustainability + Entrepreneurship + Innovation = WINN the future